Vision Voice Enhanced Reports
Enhanced Reports! provides historical reporting on call queues, agents, and extensions. Each report can be generated on demand or can be scheduled to be sent via email on a regular basis. Each report can be exported or delivered in various formats.
To access reports in Enhanced Reports!, click the “Call History” option in the top navigation bar and click “Run Report”. The page that displays will have a drop down selection at the top to pick the report you would like to generate. Under that top selection the rest of the report parameters will be displayed. These parameters will be different for each report and are detailed in the next section. Once the parameters are set, click the ‘Run Report’ button to generate the report.
Once the report generates, the bar at the top of each report contains the following options:
Back – This button will close the report and return to the parameter page
Export to Excel - Allows the report to be exported into the Microsoft Excel format
Export to PDF – Allows the report to be exported into the Adobe PDF format
The parameters that were used to generate the report will be listed at the top of the page. The idea being that when the report is shared, everyone viewing the report will know how it was generated.
Under the parameters and buttons to export is where the report information will be displayed.
Below is a list of our available reports, along with their parameters and definitions.
The Abandoned Detail Report is intended to provide strictly
the information about calls that were in queue and disconnected before an agent
● Start - Determines the start date and time for the report
● End – Determines the end date and time for the report
● Hunt Groups - Allows the report to be limited to a single phone queue
● Service Level - A threshold that can be used to eliminate calls from appearing in the report that abandoned before the threshold was reached
The following will be displayed on a summary level:
● Hunt Group - The number and name of the group that received the call
● Total Calls - The total volume of abandoned calls
● Avg Abandon Time - The average time a call waited in queue before disconnecting
For each queue, a plus sign beside the group can be clicked to show the details of each abandoned call. The following will be displayed on the detail level:
● Date - The Date/Time that the Call entered the queue
● Calling Party - The Caller ID (if available) of the caller that disconnected
● Time to Abandon - How long the caller waited before disconnecting
The Agent Snapshot report is intended to provide a full
picture of an agent’s activity including every call they could be a part of.
● Start - Determines the start date and time for the report
● End – Determines the end date and time for the report
● Hunt Groups - Allows the report to be limited to a single phone queue
● Extensions - Allows the report to be limited to run on one specific individual
● Extension Groups - Allows the report to be limited to run on one specific extension group
The following will be displayed on a summary level:
● Extension - The name and number tied to the extension of the agent
● Total Calls - The total volume of all calls for that agent
● Average Handle Time - Talk Time + Hold Time, the full duration of each call.
● Max Handle Time – The longest duration of a single call in that category
● Total Handle Time – The total time spent on all calls
The first summary level can be expanded. The second summary level will show the same information as the top level summary, but now it is split up into the various call types. The Call Types are as follows:
● Group Calls - The number of calls the agent answered from the queue
● Incoming Direct - Calls directly to the agents extension
● Internal - Calls between two extensions
● Outgoing - Calls the agent makes to an external number
● Voicemail - the number of calls routed to the individual’s voicemail
Clicking the plus sign next to the summary level will expand to show the details of each call. The details are as follows:
● Date Time - The timestamp of when the call started
● Phone Number - The caller id (if available) of who the agent was connected to
● Handle Time - Talk Time + Hold time, the full duration of the call
The Call Distribution by Day/Hour report is intended to
provide a breakdown of how many calls occur at different times of the day and
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Hunt Groups – Limits the report to one particular group
● Extensions - Limits the report to one particular extension
● Scope - Limits the report to only contain internal or external calls
● Direction - Limits the report to only contain Incoming or Outgoing calls
The following fields will be displayed on the first summary level:
● Date – The day in which the data is summarized
● Total Calls – The volume of all calls for that day
● Avg Duration - The average amount of time spent on each call
● Total Duration – The total amount of time spent on all calls
Clicking the plus sign beside each Day will expand to show the hours. Clicking the plus sign beside an hour will expand to show the call details. The following fields are displayed on the detail level:
● Date - The date and time of the call
● Calling Number - either the extension or external number (depending on the direction)
● Called Number - either the extension of external number (depending on the direction)
● Duration - The full duration of the call taking into account talk time and hold time
The Call Distribution by Hour/Day
report is intended to provide a breakdown of how many calls occur at different
times of the day.
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Hunt Groups – Limits the report to one particular group
● Extensions - Limits the report to one particular extension
● Scope - Limits the report to only contain internal or external calls
● Direction - Limits the report to only contain Incoming or Outgoing calls
The following fields will be displayed on the first summary level:
● Hour – The hour in which the data is summarized
● Total Calls – The volume of all calls for that hour
● Avg Duration - The average amount of time spent on each call
● Total Duration – The total amount of time spent on all calls
Clicking the plus sign beside each hour will expand to show the days. Clicking the plus sign beside a day will expand to show the call details. The following fields are displayed on the detail level:
● Date - The date and time of the call
● Calling Number - either the extension or external number (depending on the direction)
● Called Number - either the extension of external number (depending on the direction)
● Duration - The full duration of the call taking into account talk time and hold time
The Calling number activity detail report is intended to provide outcome activity organized by calling number.
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Hunt Group - Allows the report to be limited to a single phone queue/ring group/hunt group
● Extension - Allows the report to be limited to a specific extension
● Extension Group - Allows the report to be limited to a specific group of extensions
● Outcome- Allows the report to be limited to a specific outcome (Voicemail Terminated, Queue Call Back Terminated, Abandoned)
The following will be displayed on a summary level:
● Number - The 10 digit calling number
● Total Calls - The total number of calls that the calling number was apart of
● Inbound Calls - The number of inbound calls that the calling party made
● Outbound Calls - The number of outbound calls made to the calling party
● Queue Call Back Terminated - The number of calls that requested a queue call back
● Voicemail Terminated - The number of calls that ended at the voicemail system
● Abandoned Calls - The number of calls that abandoned
Clicking the plus sign next to each number will expand out to show the list of calls.
The Call Summary report is
intended to give a full overview of call center activity. It provides both call
volumes and performance metrics. This report is a great starting point for
understanding the historical data.
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Phone Queue Scope - Allows the report to be limited to a single phone queue
● Call Tag - Allows the report to be limited to only calls that came in over a specific DID
● Service Level - a time that is used in the ‘Calls in SL’ field in the report. This will show the volume and percentage of answered calls that were answered within the defined value
The following will be displayed on a summary level:
● Hunt Group - The name and number of the hunt group that received calls
● Presented - The volume of calls that entered the queue
● Answered (# and %) - The volume and percentage of total calls that was answered by an agent
● Abandoned (# and %) - The volume and percentage of calls that entered the queue, then the caller disconnected before it was answered
● Voicemail (# and %) - The volume and percentage of calls that entered the queue and were then routed to leave a voicemail for the group
● Average Wait (Ans, Ovr, Abn) - The average time a call waited in queue, split up by the outcome
● Longest Wait (Ans, Ovr, Abn) - The single longest time a call waited, split up by the outcome
● Average Handle Time - The average duration of the call, Talk Time + Hold Time
● Calls in SL - Calls in Service Level, the volume of answered calls that were answered within the threshold defined on the parameter page
Clicking the plus sign next to each hunt group will expand out to show a daily breakdown of the same information. Clicking the plus sign beside the day will expand to show an hourly breakdown.
The Extension Detail report is
intended to provide information about every single extension. IT will show the
basic information about each individual call. This report can also be used to
search for particular calls using the Caller ID.
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Extensions - Limits the report to one particular extension
● Scope - Limits the report to only contain internal or external calls
● Direction - Limits the report to only contain Incoming or Outgoing calls
● Phone Number - Limits the report to only contains calls involving the phone number entered ● Extension Group – Limits the report to only show extensions assigned to a particular group
The report will start with a one line summary of each extension. This summary will simply list the extension name and number along with the total volume of calls they were a part of. Expanding this by clicking the plus sign beside the extension will expand to show a breakdown of different call types such as Incoming, Outgoing, and Internal. Clicking the plus sign beside the call type will expand to show the details. The following details will be shown:
● Date – The date and time that the call started
● Calling Party - The number that made the call (either the extension or external number depending on the direction)
● Called Party - The number that received the call (either the extension or external number depending on the direction)
● Duration - The full duration of the call taking into account talk time and hold time
The Extension Summary report is intended to provide a one
line summary of each extension showing information about inbound and outbound
call volumes and durations.
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Extensions - Limits the report to one particular extension
● Scope - Limits the report to only contain internal or external calls
● Direction - Limits the report to only contain Incoming or Outgoing calls
● Phone Number - Limits the report to only contains calls involving the phone number entered
● Extension Group – Limits the report to only show extensions assigned to a particular group
● Include Details - Generates the report with sub-records. Setting this to false will generate just the summary level.
The first level of the report will show a one line summary of each extension. The following fields are available on the summary level:
● Extension - The name and number tied to each extension
● Inbound Calls - The volume of calls the extension received
● Inbound Duration - The total duration of all calls the extension received
● Outbound Calls - The volume of calls the extension made
● Outbound Duration - The total duration of all calls the extension made
● Total Calls - The volume of calls for the extension
Clicking on the plus sign next to an extension will expand to show the details of each call. The following is available on the detail level:
● Date - The date and time of the call
● Calling Number - either the extension or external number (depending on the direction)
● Called Number - either the extension of external number (depending on the direction)
● Duration - The full duration of the call taking into account talk time and hold time
The Frequent Number report
provides information about which external numbers have the most activity.
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Hunt Groups – Limits the report to one particular group
● Extensions - Limits the report to one particular extension
● Direction - Limits the report to only contain Incoming or Outgoing calls
● Extension Group – Limits the report to only extensions that are assigned to a specific department
The following fields will be displayed on the first summary level:
● Number – The phone number that called in or was called
● Total Calls – The volume of all calls for that number
● Inbound Calls – The volume of calls that came in from that number
● Outbound Calls – The volume of calls that were made to that number
● Avg Duration - The average amount of time spent on each call
● Total Duration – The total amount of time spent on all calls
Clicking the plus sign beside each hour will expand to show the details of the calls. The following fields are displayed on the detail level:
● Date - The date and time of the call
● Calling Number - either the extension or external number (depending on the direction)
● Called Number - either the extension of external number (depending on the direction)
● Hunt Group – The group that the call came into (if applicable)
● Duration - The full duration of the call taking into account talk time and hold time
The Service Level Answered Performance report provides a way
to define a threshold for how long a call waited in queue and see what
percentage of calls were answered before or after the defined answer time
threshold. The report provides the information either by agent or by day and
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Hunt Group - Allows the report to be limited to a single phone queue
● Extensions – Allows the report to be limited to one particular extension
● Phone Number – Allows the report to be generated for calls involving one number
● Service Level - a time that is used in the ‘Calls in SL’ field in the report. This will show the volume and percentage of answered calls that were answered within the defined value
The following fields will display on the summary level:
● Hunt Group - The group that received the call
● Total Presented - The total number of calls that entered the queue
● Answered (# and %) - The volume and percentage of total calls that was answered by an agent
● Answered in SL - The number of calls that were answered in the queue within the defined ‘Answer Time’, or Service Level
● Answered out of SL - The number of calls that were answered in the queue outside of the defined ‘Answer Time’, or Service Level
● Answer Time (Average and Max) - The average (and longest) time that a call waited in the queue before it was answered
● Overflow (# and %) - The volume and percentage of calls that started in the queue then presented to a backup, or overflow queue
● Overflow in SL - The number of calls that started in the queue and then went to a backup queue within the defined ‘Answer Time’, or Service Level
● Overflow out of SL - The number of calls that started in the queue and then went to a backup queue outside of the defined ‘Answer Time’, or Service Level
● Abandoned (# and %) - The volume and percentage of calls that entered the queue, then the caller disconnected before it was answered
● Abandoned in SL - The number of calls that started in the queue and disconnected within the defined ‘Answer Time’, or Service Level
● Abandoned out of SL - The number of calls that started in the queue and disconnected outside of the defined ‘Answer Time’, or Service Level
● Voicemail (# and %) - The volume and percentage of calls that entered the queue and were then routed to leave a voicemail for the group
● Voicemail in SL - The number of calls that started in the queue and left a voicemail within the defined ‘Answer Time’, or Service Level
● Voicemail out of SL - The number of calls that started in the queue and left a voicemail outside of the defined ‘Answer Time’, or Service Level
Clicking on the plus sign beside a group will expand the results to show the same information, but now it will be split out to show information by agent. Clicking the plus sign beside the agent will expand to show each individual call. The following details will be displayed:
● Date - The date and time of the call
● Calling Number - either the extension or external number (depending on the direction)
● Called Number - either the extension of external number (depending on the direction)
● Duration - The full duration of the call taking into account talk time and hold time
The Service Level Handled Performance report provides a way to define a threshold for the duration of a call and see what percentage of calls were handled before or after the defined handle time threshold.
The report provides the information either by agent or by day
and hour.
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Hunt Group - Allows the report to be limited to a single phone queue
● Extensions – Allows the report to be limited to one particular extension
● Phone Number – Allows the report to be generated for calls involving one number
● Service Level - a time that is used in the ‘Handled in SL’ field in the report. This will show the volume and percentage of answered calls that were handled within the defined value
The following fields will display on the summary level:
● Hunt Group - The group that received the call
● Total Presented - The total number of calls that entered the queue
● Handled (# and %) - The volume and percentage of total calls that was answered by an agent
● Handled in SL - The number of calls that were answered in the queue and were then handled within the defined ‘Handle Time’’, or Service Level
● Handled out SL - The number of calls that were answered in the queue and were then handled outside of the defined ‘Handle Time’, or Service Level
● Handle Time (Average and Max) - The average (and longest) duration of all answered calls
Clicking on the plus sign beside a group will expand the results to show the calls broken down by the agent that answered. Clicking the plus sign one more time will show the details of the calls. The following will be displayed on the detail level:
● Date - The date and time of the call
● Calling Number - either the extension or external number (depending on the direction)
● Called Number - either the extension of external number (depending on the direction)
● Duration - The full duration of the call taking into account talk time and hold time
The Account Code report provides
summary and detailed information about calls where an Account Code was
associated with the call by an extension. If an Account Code was not entered,
it will not appear in the report.
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Extensions - Limits the report to one particular extension
● Scope - Limits the report to only contain internal or external calls
● Direction - Limits the report to only contain Incoming or Outgoing calls
● Extension Group – Limits the report to only show extensions assigned to a particular group
● Account Codes – Limits the report to only show calls with a specific Account Code
The following fields will be displayed on the summary level:
● Account Code – The code that was associated with the call by the extension
● Call Volume – The number of calls where that specific code was used
● Total Duration – The total amount of time that the calls were connected
● Average Duration – The average length of time for a call where the code was used
Clicking on the plus sign next to the summary will expand to show the details of each call. The following fields will display on the detail level:
● Date/Time - The date and time of the call
● Calling Party- either the extension or external number (depending on the direction)
● Called Party - either the extension of external number (depending on the direction)
● Direction – either Incoming or Outgoing to show if the extension made or received the call
● Scope – Either Internal or External to show if the call involved an external number
● Duration - The full duration of the call taking into account talk time and hold time
Call Distribution by Day/Agent
The Call Distribution by Day/Agent
report provides a breakdown of call activity organized by day on the top level,
then by agent, and then will provide details of the call records.
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Hunt Groups – Limits the report to one particular Hunt Group
● Extensions - Limits the report to one particular extension
● Scope - Limits the report to only contain internal or external calls
● Direction - Limits the report to only contain Incoming or Outgoing calls
● Extension Group – Limits the report to only show extensions assigned to a particular group
The following fields will be displayed on the summary level:
● Date – The day breakdown of the call volume
● Total Calls – The number of calls for that specific day
● Total Duration – The total amount of time that the calls were connected
● Average Duration – The average length of time for a call
Clicking on the plus sign next to the summary will expand to show the agents involved in the calls. The following fields will display on the detail level:
● Extension – The agent’s extension involved in the calls
● Total Calls- The total number of calls related to the extension or agent
● Average Duration - The average length of time for a call
● Total Duration– The total amount of time that the calls were connected
Clicking on the plus sign next to the extension will expand to show the details of each call. The following fields will display on the further detail level:
● Date/Time - The date and time of the call
The DNIS Report provides a
breakdown of call volume by DNIS. Expanding the data set will provide details
of the call records.
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Extensions - Limits the report to one particular extension
● Extension Group – Limits the report to only show extensions assigned to a particular group ● DNIS - Limits the report to a specific DNIS
The following fields will be displayed on the summary level:
● DNIS - The list of DNIS
● Call Volume – The number of calls for that specific DNIS
● Total Duration – The total amount of time that the calls were connected
● Average Duration – The average length of time for a call
Clicking on the plus sign next to the summary will expand to show the details of the calls. The following fields will display on the detail level:
● Date/Time - The date and time the call took place.
● Calling Party - The party that made the call.
● Called Party - The party that answered the call.
● Duration– The amount of time that the call was connected
The Agent Overview Report provides a breakdown of call volume by Agent, or extension. The report offers metrics for presented, answered, and missed calls by agent. Along with Average speed of answer and total handle time metrics for each.
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Huntgroups - Limits the report to on particular hunt group
● Extensions - Limits the report to one particular extension
● Extension Group – Limits the report to only show extensions assigned to a particular group
The following fields will be displayed on the summary level:
● Extension - The extension who received the calls.
● Presented – The number of calls that went to the extension
● Answered – The number of calls the extension answered
● Missed – The number of calls that went to the extension without them answering
● Avg Speed of Answer - The average amount of time the extension took to answer a call
● Total Handle time - The total amount of time the extension spent on the phone
The Group Volume Report provides a breakdown of call volume by group. The report offers metrics for presented, answered, and missed calls by group. Along with Talk time, Avg Talk, Avg Answer, Longest Answer, missed, missed short, and missed long.
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Huntgroups - Limits the report to on particular hunt group
● Service Level - Sets the threshold for “short missed” and “long missed” in the report
● Extension Group – Limits the report to only show extensions assigned to a particular group
The following fields will be displayed on the summary level:
● Group- The group that received the calls.
● Presented – The number of calls that went to the group
● Answered – The number of calls the group answered
● Missed – The number of calls that went to the group without an agent answering
● Talk time - The total amount of time agents for the group spent talking
● Avg Talk - The average amount of time agents spent talking for the group
● Avg Ans - The average amount of time agents took to answer calls for the group
● Longest Ans - The longest amount of time an agent took to answer a call for the particular group
● Missed Short - The number of calls missed under the service level
● Missed Long - The number of calls missed over the service level
The Calling number activity detail report offers a breakdown of call volume by ANI (External Calling Number) organized by outcome (Voicemail Terminated, Abandoned, Queue Call Back Requested, and number of Outbound calls)
The following parameters are available:
● Date Range - Determines the timeframe in the report
● Huntgroups - Limits the report to on particular hunt group
● Extensions - Limits the report to on particular extension
● Extension Group – Limits the report to only show extensions assigned to a particular group
● Outcome - Limits the report results to a specified outcome
The following fields will be displayed on the summary level:
● Number- The external number involved in the call
● Total Calls– The total number of calls regarding the external number
● Inbound calls– The number of inbound calls regarding the external number
● Outbound calls– The number of Outbound calls regarding the external number
● Queue Callback Terminated - The number of calls that requested a queue callback
● Voicemail Terminated - The number of calls that went to a voicemail box
● Abandoned calls- The number of calls that abandoned
● Average Duration - The average duration of the total calls
● Total Duration - The total duration of the calls
Call Viewer
The live call Viewer displays the current live calls on the system. Including the Calling Party, Called Party, Current Status, Queue/Group Name, Direction, DNIS, Leg Duration, Total Duration.
The Live Call Viewer can be filtered with the Search Bar and can be sorted by clicking on the column headers.
The Queue Detail View is a way to monitor call queues in real-time. The view is broken up into 3 sections: Calls in Queue, Vital Statistics, and Agent View.
Calls in Queue: Displays the current calls waiting in queue.
Vital Statistics: Displays statistics regarding queue performance.
Agent View: Displays agent boxes for each member of the queue.
Queue Overview
The Queue Overview view displays similar information to Queue Detail, however it allows the user to combine the statistics, members, and calls waiting of multiple different queues. Making monitoring multiple queues at the same time more efficient.
The Agent View provides metrics on specific agents. Agents can be dynamically monitored regardless of queue membership. Each agent box displays the following information in real-time: Agent name, Agent extension, Current Status(with timer), Time spent in each state for the current day, Number of calls handled, Number of calls missed, Number of outbound calls, Number of times targeted for a call.