Sometime LLDP will not work as expected with Digium phones when there is a desktop computer configure to it's PC port. And phone will fail to register to the PBX.

There are 2 ways to fix this:

If multiple phones are having issues:

A: Configuring WAN Port of Phones:

1. Access Switchvox PBX

2. Go to Server>Phone Networks

3. Edit the Network you need to configure

4. Click Advance Settings, and Look for Virtual LAN Settings

5. Change Discovery Mode from LLDP to Manual, and change the VLAN ID

B. Configuring PC Port

1. Go to Setup>Manage

2. Edit the EXT(s) that needs to be configure (you can also make bulk edit for multiple phone. Search how to make bulk edit)

3. Go to Phone Settings>Sangoma Phones>Advanced Phone Options

4. Look for PC Port VLAN and set the VLAN ID

If only 1 or 2 phones are encountering issues:

note: you may need to restore phone to factory default

1. Offer remote session with customer on a computer that is on the same network as the phone (Zoho Assist)

2. Navigate phone settings and get the local IP

3. Access the Web GUI (username: admin, default password: 789)

4. Go to Network tab

5. Set VLAN ID for WAN port and PC port